§ 3-7-37. Cost-of-living adjustments.  

Latest version.
  • Monthly retirement allowances shall be adjusted effective July 1, 1981, and each July 1 thereafter in order to reflect changes in the cost of living since the date of benefit commencement; provided, that allowances for service-connected disability retirement shall be subject to the provisions of Subsection (d) of this Section. The monthly allowance to be effective July 1 of any such year shall be the allowance in effect immediately prior to such adjustment increased for the basic cost-of-living increase provided for in Subsection (a) of this Section, with such increase reduced as provided in Subsection (c) of this Section in the event the monthly retirement allowance has been in pay status for less than 12 months.


    The basic cost-of-living increase shall be the lesser of four percent (4%) and the percentage corresponding to the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index during the 12 month calendar period ending with the March immediately preceding the July in which the increase is effective. For the purpose of this Section, Consumer Price Index shall mean the Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers (CPI-U) as issued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor for the appropriate Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) that includes the County.


    As part of each biennial actuarial valuation, the actuary shall determine the percentage supplemental cost-of-living increase (not greater than one percent that can be provided on the following two July first's based upon the available actuarial surplus). The Board then may, but shall not be required to, increase all retirement allowances in pay status on each of such July first by such actuarially determined percentage. For the purpose of this Section, available actuarial surplus shall mean the excess of the actuarial value of the assets of the System over the actuarial accrued liabilities of the System as disclosed in the biennial actuarial valuation of the System.


    In the event a retired member has not been receiving his or her retirement allowance for 12 full months, the basic cost-of-living increase and the supplemental cost-of-living increase shall be determined as the percentage of the full increase determined in Subsections (a) and (b) of this Section as follows:

    Number of Complete Months
    Member Has Been in Pay Status
    Percentage of
    Full Increase


    Less than 3 .....0%

    3, 4 or 5 .....25%

    6, 7 or 8 .....50%

    9, 10 or 11 .....75%


    Cost-of-living adjustments provided by this Section shall be applied to the net amount of the member's service-connected disability retirement allowance after all reductions required by Section 3-7-28 have been made. The member's allowance after the adjustments for cost of living provided by this Section at any date in time shall be determined by retroactive computation from the date of initial retirement, and the application of all applicable cost-of-living adjustments to the net allowance which the member is entitled to under Section 3-7-28. (20-81-3; 1-93-3; 26-10-3; 4-16-3.)