§ 124-3-1. General.
This Article establishes the fees associated with coverage under the General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities (permits for stormwater management for land-disturbing activities) permit maintenance, modification, and transfer, and permits for Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act land-disturbing activities.
The fees for general permit coverage, permit or registration statement modification, or permit transfers are considered separate actions and shall be assessed a separate fee, as applicable.
Persons whose coverage under the General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities has been revoked shall reapply to DEQ for an Individual Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities.
Requests for a state permit, state permit modification, or general permit coverage shall not be processed until the fees required pursuant to this Article are paid.
General permit coverage maintenance fees shall be paid annually to the County by the anniversary date of general permit coverage. No state permit will be reissued or automatically continued without payment of the required fee. General permit coverage maintenance fees shall be applied until a Notice of Termination is effective.
All incomplete payments will be deemed as nonpayments. The Department of Environmental Quality or the County, as applicable, shall provide notification to the applicant of any incomplete payments. Interest may be charged for late payments at the underpayment rate set forth in § 58.1-15 of the Virginia Code and is calculated on a monthly basis at the applicable periodic rate. A 10% late payment fee shall be charged to any delinquent (over 90 days past due) account. The Department of Environmental Quality and the County are entitled to all remedies available under the Virginia Code in collecting any past due amount. (08-14-124.)