§ 117-1-3. Advisory Plans Examiner Board.
Establishment and Purpose. There is hereby established an Advisory Plans Examiner Board (APEB) which shall make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on the general operations of the program, on the qualifications of those who may participate in the expedited processing procedure, on initial and continuing educational programs needed to qualify and maintain qualifications for such a program, and on the administration and operation of such a program. In addition, the APEB shall submit recommendations to the Board of Supervisors as to those persons who meet the established qualifications for participation in the program; and the APEB shall submit recommendations to the Board of Supervisors as to whether those persons who have previously qualified to participate in the program should be disqualified, suspended or otherwise disciplined.
Membership and Terms of Office. The Advisory Plans Examiner Board (APEB) shall consist of three (3) persons in private practice certified as licensed professional engineers or land surveyors pursuant to Code of Virginia, Section 54.1-408, at least one (1) of whom shall be a certified land surveyor; one (1) person employed by the County government; one (1) person employed by the Virginia Department of Transportation who shall serve as a nonvoting advisory member; and one (1) citizen member. All members of the APEB who serve as licensed engineers or as certified surveyors must maintain their professional license or certification as a condition of holding office, and all such persons shall have at least two (2) years of experience in land development procedures of the County. The citizen member of the APEB shall meet the qualifications provided in Code of Virginia, Section 54.1-107; provided such member, notwithstanding the proscription of (i) of Code of Virginia, Section 54.1-107, shall have training as an engineer of surveyor and may be currently licensed, certified or practicing his profession. The APEB shall consist of six (6) members who shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors for staggered four-year terms. Initial terms may be less than four (4) years so as to provide for staggered terms. (26-89-117; 40-90-117.)