Chapter 116. Wetlands Zoning Ordinance.  

Article 1. In General.
Article 2. Processing Fee.
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1. Chapter 116, §§ 116.1-1—116.1-12, 116-2-1, was added by Ord. No. 47-88-116. The numbering system implies that the intention was to divide the chapter into two articles. The article designation and titles are by the editor. With the exception of § 116-1-2, the ordinance gave no catchline titles to the sections; these have been supplied by the editor. The following acts of the Legislature have been utilized in Code of Virginia, Title 62.1, Chapter 2.1; 1972, c. 711; 1973, c.c. 382, 388; 1975, c. 268; 1979, c. 418; 1982, c. 300; 1985, c. 541; 1988, c. 587.