Appendix F. District Ordinances for Local Agricultural and Forestal Districts.  

F-1. - Wright Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 83-S-001).
F-2. - Barksdale Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 83-S-002).
F-3. - Whitehall Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AA 83-S-004).
F-4. - Cornfield Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 83-D-005-4).
F-5. - Cajoll Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 83-D-006-04)
F-6. - Hantslot Local agricultural and forestal district (AR 83-S-007-04).
F-7. - Popes Head Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 83-S-008-04).
F-8. - Dunbarton Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AA 83-D-009).
F-9. - Bull Run Thoroughbred Farm Agricultural and Forestal District (AF 83-S-011).
F-10. - Walnut Ridge Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 83-S-011-03).
F-11. - Dogwood Lane Farm Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AF 84-D-003).
F-12. - Belmont Bay Farms Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AF 84-V-002).
F-13. - Hidden Springs Farm Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 84-D-004-04).
F-14. - Moutoux Orchard Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 84-D-005-2).
F-15. - Potomac Vegetable Farm Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 84-D-006).
F-16. - Belmont Bay II Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 84-V-007-04).
F-17. - Hart Farm Agricultural and Forestal District (AF 84-S-008).
F-18. - Briarfield Manor Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 84-S-001).
F-19. - Jarvis Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 85-V-002-04).
F-20. - Middleton Farms Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 86-C-001).
F-21. - Knipling Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 87-V-001-3).
F-22. - Cox Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 87-S-003-3).
F-23. - Rhinehart Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 87-D-002-3).
F-24. - Podolnick Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 88-S-001-02).
F-25. - Launders Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AF 88-C-002).
F-26. - Ma Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 89-S-002-03).
F-27. - Reed Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 89-S-003-03).
F-28. - Foster Britt Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 89-S-004-03).
F-29. - Jasper Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 89-S-005-03).
F-30. - Smith Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 89-S-006).
F-31. - Eagle Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 89-D-001-03).
F-32. - Swope Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AF 90-C-001).
F-33. - Bonnie Foster Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 90-D-002).
F-34. - Jewett Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 90-D-003-03).
F-35. - JLB Associates Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 90-S-004-03).
F-36. - Klare Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 90-S-005-02).
F-37. - Richardson Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 91-Y-001-02).
F-38. - Gilliam Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AF 91-S-003).
F-39. - Orchard Spring Nursery Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 91-D-004-03).
F-40. - Alphin Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AF 91-S-005).
F-41. - Eagle II Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 88-S-001-02).
F-42. - Bloomer Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AF 91-V-007).
F-43. - Hill's Plant Nursery Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 91-D-008-02).
F-44. - Salona Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AF 91-D-009).
F-45. - Armstrong Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AF 92-S-002).
F-46. - The Farm at Clifton Station Local Agricultural and Forestal District (Formerly Boley) (AR 93-S-003-03).
F-47. - Schreiner Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AF 93-D-002).
F-48. - Kincheloe Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 95-S-001).
F-49. - McInturff-Stewart Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 96-D-001).
F-50. - Castro Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 96-S-002-02).
F-51. - Bierly Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 98-S-001-02).
F-52. - Jenkins Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 97-D-002-02).
F-53. - Leggett Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AF 99-D-001).
F-54. - Krop Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 99-D-002-02).
F-55. - Longacre Farm Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AF 00-D-001).
F-56. - Potomac Vegetable Farm II Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AA 01-H-001).
F-57. - Kincheloe II Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AF 01-S-002).
F-58. - Kosters Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AF 2004-SP-001).
F-59. - Sanders Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 2005-SU-002).
F-60. - Simanson Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 2005-DR-001).
F-61. - Whitney Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 2006-DR-001).
F-62. - Schulz Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AF 2006-SP-002).
F-63. - Fink-Butler Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AF 2007-SU-001).
F-64. - Keener Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AF 2007-SP-002).
F-65. - Kincheloe Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AF 2009-SP-001).
F-66 - Crawford Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 2009-SP-002).
F-67. - Hall Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AF 2008-SP-001).
F-68. - Armstrong Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AR 2010-SP-001).
F-69. - Hickox Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AA 2012-SU-001).
F-70. - Kulbok Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AF 2013-SU-002).
F-71. - Stokes Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AF 2014-MV-001).
F-72. - Molleda Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AF 2015-SP-001).
F-73. - Dyer Local Agricultural and Forestal District (AF 2016-SP-001).
F-74. - May Properties IV LLC (AF 2019-DR-001).
F-75. - DiBona (AF 2019-DR-002).
F-76. - Khan (AF 2019-SU-003).
F-77. - Normandy Farm and Mane Manor (AF 2019-DR-004).

The following district ordinances have been adopted by the Board of Supervisors pursuant to Chapter 115. Those districts that have expired, or have been withdrawn, are so noted. (16-83-A/F; 6-87-F.)