Appendix Q. Land Development Services Fee Schedule
This fee schedule establishes the fees charged, by Land Development Services and the Fire Marshal, for building and site development activities pursuant to the authority granted by §§ 15.2-2241(A) (9), 15.2-2286(A)(6), 62.1-44.15:54(J), 36-98.3, 36-105, 62.1-44.15:28(A) and 62.1-44.15:29 of the Code of Virginia and Chapters 2 (Property Under County Control), 61 (Building Provisions), 64 (Mechanical Provisions), 65 (Plumbing and Gas Provisions), 66 (Electrical Provisions), 101 (Subdivision Ordinance), 104 (Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance), 112 (Zoning Ordinance), and 124 (Stormwater Management Ordinance) of the Code of the County of Fairfax, Virginia (the Code). (34-17-Q.)
I. Building Development Fees A. Standard Fees ..... Appendix Q—2 B. Building Permit and Other Fees ..... Appendix Q—2 C. Mechanical Permit Fees ..... Appendix Q—5 D. Electrical Permit Fees ..... Appendix Q—7 E. Plumbing Permit Fees ..... Appendix Q—9 F. Household Appliance Permit Fees ..... Appendix Q—10 G. Vertical Transportation Permit Fees ..... Appendix Q—10 H. Fire Prevention Division (Fire Marshal) Fees ..... Appendix Q—11 I. Amusement Device Permit Fees ..... Appendix Q—12 J. Building and Fire Prevention Code Modifications and Local Board of Building Code Appeals Fees ..... Appendix Q—12 II. Site Development Fees A. Plan and Document Review Fees ..... Appendix Q—12 B. Bonding and Agreement Fees ..... Appendix Q—16 C. Site Inspection Fees ..... Appendix Q—17 D. Fire Prevention Division (Fire Marshal) Fees ..... Appendix Q—17 E. Site Permit Fees ..... Appendix Q—18 F. Waiver, Exception, Modification and Exemption Fees ..... Appendix Q—18 G. Permits for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activity Fees ..... Appendix Q—21 III. Miscellaneous Fees ..... Appendix Q—22 I. BUILDING DEVELOPMENT FEES.
The following building development fees to cover the cost of reviewing plans, issuing permits, performing inspections, licensing, home improvement contractors and other expenses incidental to the enforcement of the Uniform Statewide Building Code, (USBC) and Chapters 61, 64, 65 and 66 of the Code are hereby adopted:
A: STANDARD FEES Listed below are standard fees that apply to building, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire alarm, fire suppression and fire lane permits. The fees shall apply provided all of the applicable conditions set forth in § 61-1-3 of the Code are met. 1. Base fee: The minimum fee charged for any permit. A reduced fee shall apply as noted below $108.00 2. Reduced fees: • Multiple permits, per unit $36.00 • Fee for permits requiring no inspections $36.00 • Casualty Permits $0.00 3. After-hours re-energization or time-specific inspection fee for each 30-minute period or fraction thereof $241.20 4. Amendment of permit • The fee shall be the fee for any equipment added or the fee for any additional work involved, whichever fee is greater. In no case shall the fee be less than: $36.00 5. Annual permit fee Same as Base Fee $108.00 6. Asbestos removal/abatement Same as Base Fee $108.00 7. Re-inspection fee Same as Base Fee $108.00 8. Team inspections • Fee if all disciplines (i.e. building, electrical, plumbing, mechanical and/or the Fire Marshal) are involved in inspections $507.60 • Fee paid for each discipline taking part in the inspection, should the inspections not involve all disciplines $108.00 9. Modular residential units, including manufactured homes Percentage of the regular permit fee 50.00% 10. Non-permitted work $108.00 11. Permit extensions: Permit authorizing construction of: • Interior alteration to an existing building $36.00 • An addition(s) or exterior alteration(s) to an existing residential structure (R-3, R-4 and R-5 construction) $36.00 • An accessory structure(s) on a residential property (R-3, R-4 and R-5 construction) $36.00 • A new structure (other than noted above) $241.20 • An addition(s) to a non-residential structure $241.20 12. Replacement of defective sprinkler heads $0.00 13. Radiation, fallout or blast shelter $0.00 14. Solar Energy $0.00 B. BUILDING PERMIT AND OTHER FEES (A) New Buildings, Additions or Enlargements: The fee for construction of a new building, or an addition or an enlargement to an existing building shall be based on the following: 1. Except as noted in subsection 2 below, the fee for the construction of a new building, an addition or an enlargement shall be based on the area (as determined by the exterior dimension) of all floors, including basements or cellars and horizontally projected roof areas, for the following types of construction as defined in the USBC in effect, and specified in Table I below. 2. New single family detached dwellings and townhouses: The fee for construction of a new single family detached dwelling or townhouse shall be based on Table I, or as determined by the permit applicant, on Table IIA for a new single family detached dwelling or Table IIB for a new townhouse. The square footage area reflected in Table IIA and Table IIB is to be calculated pursuant to American National Standard Institute, Inc. (ANSI) Standard Z765-2003 or its equivalent and based on the total area of the building's finished floor areas. TABLE I Residential Fees Type IA, and IB, per square foot $0.216 Type IIA, IIIA and IV, per square foot $0.169 Type IIB, IIIB and VA, per square foot $0.114 Type VB, per square foot $0.114 Commercial Fee Type IA, and IB, per square foot $0.216 Type IIA, IIIA and IV, per square foot $0.169 Type IIB, IIIB and VA, per square foot $0.169 Type VB, per square foot $0.169 TABLE IIA SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED DWELLINGS SFD A: 1 to 3,849 square feet $564.00 SFD B: 3,850 to 5,949 square feet $852.00 SFD C: 5,950 to 8,399 square feet $1,182.00 SFD D: 8,400 to 13,999 square feet $1,728.00 SFD E: 14,000 to 20,000 square feet $2,922.00 Above 20,000 square feet Use Table I TABLE IIB TOWNHOUSES TH A: 1 to 2,249 square feet $292.80 TH B: 2,250 to 3,749 square feet $463.20 TH C: 3,750 + square feet $756.00 (B) Plan Resubmissions: A fee per plan review discipline (i.e. building, electrical, mechanical or plumbing) may be assessed for each resubmission of plans. • For all new commercial buildings and additions to existing commercial buildings $204.00 • For all new residential buildings and additions to existing residential buildings Same as Base Fee $108.00 • For each resubmission of plans for alterations to existing commercial buildings Same as Base Fee $108.00 (C) New Structure: The fee for erection or installation of structures other than buildings (e.g. signs, retaining walls, canopies) • For structures accessory to R-3, R-4 and R-5 construction Percentage of the estimated cost of work 2.40% • For other structures Percentage of the estimated cost of work 4.10% (D) Basement Finishing (R-3, R-4 and R-5 construction) Same as Base Fee $108.00 (E) Demolition: • Entire Structure: The fee for a permit to demolish a structure Same as Base Fee $108.00 • Partial Demolition for renovation: The fee for a permit to partially demolish a structure in preparation for renovation Percentage of Estimated Cost of Demolition 2.40% (F) Filing Fees for Permit Application and Plans Examination (does not apply to Fire Prevention Division fees for fire alarm, fire suppression and fire lane permits): To allow for permit application processing and plan examination in the event a building permit is not issued, the following fees shall be paid prior to plan review for such a permit. • For non-walk-through single-family residential projects Percentage of the permit fee 50.00% • For all commercial work, apartment buildings, garden apartments, and high rise residential buildings Percentage of the permit fee 35.00% • For walk-through residential projects Percentage of the permit fee 100.00% (G) Home Improvements: See applicable fees for new buildings, additions, enlargements, repairs and alterations. (H) Modular Furniture: The fee for the installation of modular furniture per floor or portion thereof when: • The estimated cost of construction is $10,000 or more $406.80 • The estimated cost of construction is less than $10,000 Percentage of the estimated cost of construction 4.10% with a minimum fee of $177.60 (I) Partitions: Same as Base fee $108.00 (J) Removal and Relocation: The fee shall be based on a percentage of the cost of moving, plus a percentage of the cost of all work necessary to place the building or structure in its completed condition in the new location. Percentage of the cost of moving plus 2.40% Percentage of the cost of work 2.40% (K) Repairs and Alterations: The fees for repairs and alterations of any building or structure where there is no addition or enlargement: • For commercial work Percentage of the estimated cost of work 4.10% • For residential work (R-3, R-4, R-5 construction) Percentage of the estimated cost of work 2.40% (L) Roof Repairs, New Roof Structures, Re-siding: Fees for repairs and alterations apply. (M) Swimming Pool: The fee for a building permit to construct a swimming pool. $159.60 (N) Temporary Structures Same as Base Fee $108.00 (O) Tenant Layouts: Except for those tenant layouts shown on the originally approved plans for a new building, separate building permits shall be required for each tenant layout. The fee shall be based on a percentage of the estimated cost of work. Percentage of the estimated cost of work 4.10% The permittee must provide verifiable cost data of the cost of construction. In no case, shall the permit fee be less than: $408.00 Fee per plan review discipline for each resubmission of plans for alterations to existing commercial buildings Same as Base Fee $108.00 (P) Home Improvement Contractor License Fees: All contractor application and license fees are charged per individual for a sole proprietorship, per general partner for a partnership, or per corporate officer for a corporation. • Application processing fee $103.20 • Fee of license issuance $63.60 • Fee to renew expired license, in addition to license renewal fee* $61.20 • Fee to renew license $85.20 • Fee to maintain license in inactive state $30.00 *The fee to renew expired license. The Building Official or his designee has the authority to waive the penalty fee when the failure to renew a license is due to circumstances beyond the control of the licensee. C: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES (A) Mechanical Equipment Installation Fees: The permit fee for installation, repair, or replacement of all mechanical equipment installed in buildings other than within individual residences. This fee is in addition to the equipment fees listed below in this section. Percentage of the contract value less the value of listed equipment 2.40% 1. Boilers: • Hot water heating to 200 MBH $115.20 º For each additional 100 MBH or fraction thereof $17.82 • Hot water storage tank $115.20 • Hot water supply to 500 MBH $115.20 º For each additional 500 MBH or fraction thereof $17.82 • Low-pressure steam to 200 MBH $115.20 º For each additional 100 MBH $17.82 • Indirect hot water heater $115.20 • Miniature $145.20 • Power $145.20 º Plus per boiler hp $2.16 2. Crematorium $175.20 3. Dumbwaiters See Vertical Transportation 4. Elevators See Vertical Transportation 5. Expansion tank $115.20 6. Escalator See Vertical Transportation 7. Furnaces: • Central heating up to 200 MBH $47.04 º Each additional 100 MBH or fraction thereof $12.90 • Duct-furnace up to 200 MBH $29.22 º Each additional 100 MBH or fraction thereof $12.90 • Oil and solid fuel furnace up to 220 MBH input $47.04 º Each additional 100 MBH or fraction thereof $12.90 • Electric furnace up to 30 KW $47.04 º Each additional 30 KWS or fraction there of $6.66 8. Halon system Same as Base Fee $108.00 9. Heat pump: • Up to 5 tons $58.50 º Each additional ton $2.16 • Auxiliary heat up to 100 MBH $47.04 º Each additional 100 MBH $6.66 • Incremental heating and air conditioning units per unit. This fee applies to heating and air conditioning units installed with boilers chillers and water towers in a building. $13.56 10. Incinerator: • Per 100 lbs. per hour burning rate or fraction thereof $58.50 11. Manlift See Vertical Transportation 12. Oil burner (conversion to or replacement of oil burner): • Light oils - No. 1, 2 or 4 $58.50 • Heavy oils - No. 5 or 6 $71.22 13. Ductwork, and/or Piping of equipment: The fee for ductwork and/or piping of equipment for use groups other than R-3, R-4, and R-5. Percentage of the total contract value 2.40% 14. Porch lift, handicapped/wheel chair lift, hand elevator See Vertical Transportation 15. Prefab chimney $29.22 16. Prefab fireplace, with or without prefab chimney $29.22 17. Pump, circulating $58.50 18. Range hood fire protection system: Range hood only is charged as ductwork Same as Base Fee $108.00 19. Refrigeration (including but not limited to chillers, air conditioning units and cooling towers): • Refrigeration and refrigeration cycle of air conditioning systems up to 5 tons $58.50 º Each additional refrigeration ton or fraction thereof $2.16 20. Sidewalk elevators See Vertical Transportation 21. Space heater See Unit Heater 22. Tanks (Above ground or underground tanks for hazardous or non-hazardous liquids, oil gas and propane): • Commercial Same as Base Fee $108.00 • Residential (R-3, R-4 and R-5 occupancies) Same as Base Fee $108.00 • Unfired pressure vessel (Air compressor receiving tank) $115.20 23. Unit heater: • Gas and oil up to 500 MBH input $29.22 º For each additional 100 MBH input or fraction thereof $6.78 • Electrical up to 147 KW $29.22 º Each additional 30 KW or fraction thereof $6.78 • Woodstove, with or without prefab chimney $13.08 (B) Periodic Mechanical Inspection Fee: • Boilers º Hot water heating ◊ 0—1000 MBH $115.20 ◊ 1001—2000 MBH $145.20 ◊ Over 2000 MBH $175.20 º Hot water supply $115.20 º Miniature $145.20 º Power ◊ 0—100 HP $175.20 ◊ 101—500 HP $204.00 ◊ 501—1000 HP $235.20 ◊ Over 1000 HP $260.40 º Steam ◊ 0—1000 P/H $153.60 ◊ 1001—2000 P/H $175.20 ◊ 2001—4000 P/H $204.00 ◊ Over 4000 P/H $235.20 • Hydrostatic test $207.60 • Incinerator º Up to 100 pounds $121.20 º Over 100 pounds $184.80 • Range hood fire protection system º Range hood is only charged as ductwork $115.20 • Halon system $115.20 • Refrigeration system $175.20 • Unfired pressure vessel º With manhole $175.20 º Without manhole $115.20 D: ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES (A) Electrical Equipment Installation Fees: Fees for the initial construction of new dwelling units in R-2, R-3, R-4 and R-5 use groups. The fees include the initial installation of equipment listed on the electrical permit application that includes the main electrical service for the dwelling. Any equipment installed pursuant to other electrical permit applications shall be charged in accordance with the fees prescribed in (B) below. 1. Electrical service size: • 0—149 amps $240.00 • 150—399 amps $254.40 • 400 amps $350.40 • More than 400 amps—Use itemized fees in (B) below See note (B) Electrical Equipment Installation Fees: 1. Appliances, residential: Includes direct-wired appliances installed in dwelling units such as air cleaners, attic fans, central vacuums, dishwashers, disposals, clothes dryers, ovens, ranges or stoves, trash compactors and water heaters: • First appliance $12.90 º Each additional appliance $6.78 Receptacles for individual appliances installed in lieu of the appliance shall be charged at the same rate as if the appliance were installed. 2. Circuits, new (extensions are counted as circuits), each $2.16 3. Control wiring: Wiring less than 50 volts when penetrating fire rated assemblies, smoke barriers and non-combustible plenums (e.g. telephone wiring, television wiring, burglary/security systems, fire alarm systems, etc.) Same as Base Fee $108.00 4. Dental chairs $12.90 5. Electrical equipment rated by kilowatts (KW) to include space, baseboard and central heat, and commercial cooking units, water heaters, dishwashers, dryers, etc.: • 0 to 4 KW $17.82 º Each additional unit in this range $6.78 • 4 to 6 KW $21.60 º Each additional unit in this range $12.90 • 6 to 8 KW $27.12 º Each additional unit in this range $17.82 • 8 to 10 KW $33.90 º Each additional unit in this range $21.60 • 10 to 14 KW $39.48 º Each additional unit in this range $27.12 • 14 to 20 KW $44.10 º Each additional unit in this range $33.90 • 20 to 25 KW $49.56 º Each additional unit in this range $39.48 • Over 25 KW $54.54 º Each additional unit in this range $44.10 6. Fan coil units $6.78 7. Fixtures, switches and receptacles, etc.: • First 10 or fraction thereof $12.90 º Each additional 10 or fraction thereof $8.70 8. Gasoline pumps: Submerged Fee shall be the same as for motors 9. Gasoline island pumps or dispensers: • First $12.90 º Each additional, each $8.70 10. Generators: (does not apply to generators used with amusement devices) • 0 to 5 KW $29.22 • Over 5 to 25 KW $35.94 • Over 25 to 35 KW $47.04 • Over 35 to 50 KW $57.24 • Over 50 KW $87.60 11. Heating and air conditioning - gas and oil: • Residential furnace - gas/oil or air conditioning º First unit $17.82 º Each additional unit $6.78 • Commercial furnace See Motors 12. Motors and electrical equipment rated horsepower (hp) to include commercial heating, cooling and ventilating equipment. On package equipment, such as pumps and commercial air handlers, fans, compressors and disposals, each motor shall be charged separately: • 1/8 horsepower or less Charged as Fixtures • Over 1/8 to 1 hp º First $17.82 º Each additional motor $6.78 • Over 1 to 5 hp º First $21.60 º Each additional motor $6.78 • Over 5 to 10 hp º First $29.40 º Each additional motor $12.90 • Over 10 to 20 hp º First $35.94 º Each additional motor $17.82 • Over 20 to 30 hp º First $41.28 º Each additional motor $21.60 • Over 30 to 40 hp º First $53.76 º Each additional motor $35.94 • Over 40 to 50 hp º First $63.60 º Each additional motor $46.20 • Over 50 hp º First $76.80 º Each additional motor $58.50 13. Parking lot lighting: • First pole $12.90 º Each additional $6.78 14. Services: • New or replacement, subservices, subpanels, submeters or meters for separate occupancies: º 0 to 800 amp $60.00 º Over 800 amp $87.60 • Temporary service on structures for construction of temporary or permanent service º 0 to 800 amp $60.00 º Over 800 amp $87.60 Circuits, fixtures, receptacles and equipment to be charged for under the circuit fixture and motor schedule 15. Signs: • Fluorescent, each sign º 1 to 4 tubes $17.82 º Each additional 4 tubes or fraction thereof $12.90 • Incandescent, each sign $17.82 • Neon, each sign º First transformer $17.82 º Each additional transformer $6.78 16. Swimming pools, annual inspections fees: • Includes two inspections Fee must be paid before inspections will be performed. Additional inspections will require payment of re-inspection fee $159.60 17. Temporary wiring: • Tree sales, produce stands, fireworks stands, tent sales and other temporary non-amusement activities Same as Base Fee $108.00 • Carnivals, fairs, circuses, generators and other temporary amusement activities. The fee shall be the maximum fee per Virginia Amusement Device Regulations (VADR) 2012 adopted July 14, 2014 Max Fee Per VADR 18. Transformers, UPS and step down transformers: • 0 to 10 KVA $17.82 º Each additional transformer in this range $12.90 • Over 10 to 50 KVA $21.60 º Each additional transformer in this range $17.82 • Over 50 to 75 KVA $35.94 º Each additional transformer in this range $29.22 • Over 75 to 200 KVA $53.76 º Each additional transformer in this range $41.28 • Over 200 KVA $68.40 º Each additional transformer in this range $57.96 19. Unit heaters $6.78 20. UPS System Fee shall be the same as transformers by KVA rating 21. Welders $7.62 22. X-ray machines $7.62 E: PLUMBING PERMIT FEES (A) Plumbing and Gasfitting Equipment Installation Fees: 1. New plumbing systems in new buildings, existing unplumbed buildings, or portions thereof, changes in existing systems $58.50 • Plus, for each fixture, each appliance, each appurtenance, including sill cock, and for each area-way drain, floor drain and roof drain $8.70 2. Setting or replacing fixtures without changes in existing system $58.50 • Plus, for each fixture $6.78 3. Sewer, new, replacement or repair $58.50 4. Sewer tapping $58.50 5. Sewage ejector pump $8.70 6. Sump pump $8.70 7. Swimming pool, public and semipublic Fixture, appliance and appurtenance fee apply 8. Water service, new, replacement or repair $58.50 F: HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE PERMIT FEES (A) Household Appliance Fees: • Base permit fee, which includes the first appliance $60.00 º Plus, additional appliances added on the same permit, each $14.46 G: VERTICAL TRANSPORTATION PERMIT FEES (A) Commercial Mechanical Equipment Installation Fees: The permit fee for installation, repair, modernization, or replacement of all mechanical equipment installed in buildings other than within individual residences. This fee is in addition to the equipment fees listed below in this section. Percentage of the contract value less the value of the equipment listed below 2.00% With a minimum fee of $135.00 • Chair/platform lifts $142.00 • Dumbwaiters/material lifts º Hand-operated $142.00 º Power-driven $142.00 • Elevators º Construction Use/Hoist, plus floor charge $289.00 º Freight, plus floor charge (see 'floor charge' below) $289.00 º Passenger, plus floor charge (see 'floor charge' below) $289.00 • Escalators, per floor/moving walks $497.00 • Man lifts $146.00 º Hand-driven $113.00 Floor charge: Fee charged for each floor in the building where a passenger or freight elevator is installed. This charge shall be computed and added to the fee for the equipment that has the most stops. $47.00 (B) Residential Mechanical Equipment Installation Fees new, repair, modernization, or replacement: • Chair/platform lifts $142.00 • Dumbwaiters º Hand-operated $142.00 º Power-driven $142.00 • Private residence elevators $306.00 (C) Periodic Mechanical Inspection Fee: All vertical transportation equipment, other than that which is installed within individual residences, and other than conveyors, requires an annual certificate of compliance. For an annual certificate of compliance, the annual fee payable by the owner of the building to the County of Fairfax before the expiration of the certificate shall be as follows: • Chair/platform lifts $146.00 • Dumbwaiters/material lifts º Hand-operated $122.00 º Power-driven $134.00 • Elevators º Construction $266.00 º Freight, plus floor charge (see 'floor charge' below) $266.00 º Passenger, plus floor charge (see 'floor charge' below) $266.00 • Escalators, per floor/moving walks $146.00 • Man lifts $146.00 • Sidewalk elevators º Hand-driven $113.00 º Power-driven $150.00 Floor charge: Fee charged for each floor in the building where a passenger or freight elevator is installed. This charge shall be computed and added to the fee for the equipment that has the most stops. $47.00 Freight and passenger elevator tests: The following fees apply to freight and passenger elevator tests which are not performed in conjunction with regularly scheduled periodic inspections: • Temporary inspection $246.00 • Temporary inspection (extension) $115.00 • Governor test $296.00 • Load test $445.00 • Speed test $296.00 • Static pressure/hydraulic $296.00 • Fire and smoke test $213.00 H: FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION (FIRE MARSHAL) FEES (A) Plan Review Fees: Fees for all plan review are based on an hourly charge calculated on the quarter hour or part thereof, per reviewer. Fees are due upon completion of the plan review process. Per Hour $156.00 (B) Acceptance Testing and Inspection Fees: Fees are based on an hourly charge calculated on the quarter hour or part thereof, per inspector. Fees for fire protection equipment and systems performance tests and inspections, other equipment and systems performance tests and inspections, occupancy or preoccupancy inspections, fire lanes and required retesting or reinspections shall be imposed per hour calculated on the quarter hour or part thereof, per required inspector. Per Hour $156.00 (C) Reinspection Fees: Reinspection fees shall be based on the hours reserved to perform the test and will be charged per hour calculated on the quarter hour or part thereof, per required inspector. The following matrix is to serve as a guideline in determining when a reinspection fee is required for acceptance testing and retesting. A minimum notice of 24 hours (one full business day) for test cancellation is required. The fee is charged when an inspection is not cancelled in time to save an unnecessary trip by inspectors. Per Hour $156.00 REINSPECTION FEES CIRCUMSTANCE CONDITION INSPECTED RE-INSPECTION FEE Cancelled or rescheduled off site more than 24 hours prior to appointment N/A No No Cancelled or rescheduled off site less than 24 hours prior to appointment N/A No Yes Contractor shows, others do not or inspectors arrive, no one on site Cannot test No Yes Cancelled while inspectors on site; test not started Not Ready No Yes Regular inspection, test started, test not completed Not Ready or Failure due to fault of contractor Yes Yes Regular inspection, test started, test not completed Failed, but not due to fault of contractor Yes No Regular inspection, test completed Substantially ready with minor deficiencies Yes No Regular inspection, test completed No punch list, sticker issued Yes No Final inspection Deficient Yes Yes (D) Plan Reviews and Inspections Performed Outside Business Hours: Plan reviews and inspections may be performed outside business hours upon request at the sole discretion of the fire official. Fees for these plan reviews and inspections shall be assessed at twice the rate listed in (A), (B), and (C) above. Fees shall be assessed in 30 minute increments. I: AMUSEMENT DEVICE PERMIT FEES The permit fee for each amusement device or carnival ride shall be the maximum in accordance with the Virginia Amusement Device Regulations (VADR) J. BUILDING AND FIRE PREVENTION CODE MODIFICATIONS AND LOCAL BOARD OF BUILDING CODE APPEALS FEES: • Building and Fire Prevention Code Modification Fees $208.00 • Applications for appeals to local Board of Building Code Appeals based on the VUSBC, the VSFPC, the Virginia Amusement Device Regulations (VADR) and Chapters 61, 64, 65, and 66 of the Code of the County of Fairfax $208.00 II. SITE DEVELOPMENT FEES
The following site development fees to cover the cost of reviewing site and subdivision plans and related documents; processing site and subdivision plan agreements; making inspections of required site improvements; permitting any work or construction on any land dedicated or proposed for dedication to public use; and other fees incidental to the administration of these activities pursuant to Chapters 2, 101, 104, 112, and 124 of the Code and any fees paid to the County upon submission of any request for a waiver, exception, and modification of the County Ordinances, are hereby adopted:
A: PLAN AND DOCUMENT REVIEW FEES The following fees are due upon submission to the County of the following plans and documents. The Fire Prevention Division review fees are listed in Part D. (A) Plats: 1. Easement plat, per submission $432.00 2. Preliminary subdivision plat: • Initial Submission º Less than 10 lots $4,192.80 ◊ Plus, fee per lot or division of land including outlots and parcels $79.20 º 10 lots or more $6,825.60 ◊ Plus, fee per lot or division of land including outlots and parcels $79.20 Redate (reapproval): fee for reapproval of a previously approved preliminary plat submitted to the County for approval during the validity period of the preliminary plat, each $850.80 • Resubmission, per submission Percentage of the Original Fee 25.00% • Revisions, per submission Percentage of the Original Fee 25.00% 3. Record (final) subdivision plat: • Initial Submission $727.20 º Plus, fee per lot or division of land including outlots and parcels $36.00 • Resubmission Fee, per submission $369.60 • Redate (reapproval): fee for reapproval of a previously approved final plat that has expired, per submission $634.80 (B) Subdivision Plans, Site Plans, and Site Plans for Public Improvements Only: The following schedule shall be used to tabulate the fees for review of subdivision and site plans, and site plans for public improvements only. 1. Base Fee: • Subdivision Plans º 1st Review Cycle $6,955.00 • Site Plans º 1st Review Cycle $9,806.00 • Site Plans and Subdivision Plans Additional fee per disturbed acre or any fraction thereof $1,061.00 • The maximum base fee (as part of the initial review cycle) is as follows: º For Subdivision Plans $17,862.00 º For Site Plans $59,526.00 • Site Plans for public improvements only including sanitary sewer, trail, sidewalk, storm sewer, channel improvements, waterline, and/or road construction pursuant to Chapter 2 of the Code. º 1st Review Cycle $3,843.00 2. Fees in addition to base fees (Due only with First Review Cycle): Site Plans for the following public improvements only including sanitary sewer, trail, sidewalk, storm sewer, channel improvements, waterline, and/or road construction pursuant to Chapter 2 of the Code. Additional fee per linear foot or fraction thereof, of each improvement $1.45 • Additional plan review, as a result of an approved zoning action associated with the proposed construction to include the following with a maximum cumulative fee of $4,158.00 º Sites subject to rezoning $2,442.00 º Sites subject to special exception $1,713.60 º Sites subject to special permit $1,713.60 º Sites subject to variance $1,269.60 • Review resulting from site conditions and proposed improvements º SWM/BMP facility, for each facility serving the site (on or off-site), except as noted, with a maximum cumulative fee of $7,500.00 ◊ Constructed Wetland or Ponds $3,200.00 ◊ Bioretention Basin or Filter, Infiltration Facility, Filtering Practice 1 , Innovative BMP 2 , or Detention-Only Facility 3 $1,900.00 ◊ Dry Swale, Wet Swale, or Grass Channel (per linear foot) $5.00 with a minimum of $1,500.00 ◊ Rainwater Harvesting System, per square foot of collection area, $0.12 with a minimum of $1,900.00 ◊ Permeable Pavement, Vegetated Roof, per square foot of surface $0.12 with a minimum of $1,500.00 ◊ Manufactured BMP 4 , Micro- or Urban Bioretention 5 $1,200.00 ◊ Rooftop Disconnection, for each building served $500.00 ◊ Sheet Flow to Vegetated Filter Strip or Conserved Open Space, Soil Amendments, Reforestation, flat fee per plan $500.00 º Floodplain area (existing and proposed) $856.80 º Natural drainage way (non-floodplain watersheds) $856.80 º Problem soils (area with soil types A or B, per the official map adopted by the Board or as deemed by the Director) $1,269.60 Footnotes;
1. Filtering practices include facilities such as sand filters.
2. BMPs not on the Virginia Stormwater BMP Clearinghouse approved list or listed with a Pilot Use Designation or Conditional Use Designation.
3. Vaults or other underground storage systems providing detention only. No ponds.
4. Includes proprietary devices.
5. Includes residential rain gardens, urban stormwater planters, expanded tree pits, and stormwater curb extensions.3. Additional Review Cycles: • 2nd Review Cycle Fee: fee tabulated as a percentage of all fees due at initial submission (Base Fee + all other associated fees assessed in accordance with (B1) and (B2) above). Percentage of all fees 55.00% º Plus, additional fees charged in accordance (B1) and (B2) above for changes in the amount of disturbed area, zoning action, site conditions, and/or proposed improvements from that indicated on the first review cycle. Tabulated Fee • Signature Set Review Cycle (formerly 3 rd Submission): Site Plans, Subdivision Plans, and Site Plans with public improvements only $0.00 • Additional review cycles if Signature Set Review Cycle is not approved; per review cycle (does not apply to site plans with public improvements only) $6,000.00 º Additional review cycles for site plans with public improvements only, if Signature Set Review Cycle is not approved; per review cycle. $2,500.00 4. Revisions: • Fee, per submission $1,346.00 º Plus, additional fees charged in accordance with (B1) and (B2) above for changes in the disturbed area, zoning action, site conditions, and/or proposed improvements from that indicated on the approved plan. Tabulated Fee 5. Plan extensions (redate), per request $1,713.60 (C) Minor Site Plans and Grading Plans: 1. Minor Site Plans • 1st Review Cycle $3,901.00 • 2nd Review Cycle Percentage of the 1st Review Cycle Fee 55.00% • Signature Set Review Cycle (Formerly 3rd Submission) $0.00 • Additional review cycles if Signature Set Review Cycle is not approved; per review cycle $3,750.00 • Revisions; per submission $719.00 2. Grading plans for building permits on existing lots within a subdivision currently bonded with the County: • 1st submission, first lot $1,269.60 º Each additional lot within the same subdivision submitted within the same plan set $1,054.80 • Resubmissions and revisions, first lot $432.00 º Each additional lot within the same subdivision submitted within the same plan set $222.00 3. Grading plans for building permits on existing lots that are not within a subdivision currently bonded with the County and parcels with lots of 5 acres or more, per infill lot: • 1st Review Cycle $1,921.00 • 2nd Review Cycle Percentage of the 1st Review Cycle Fee 55.00% • Signature Set Review Cycle (Formerly 3rd Submission) $0.00 • Additional review cycles if Signature Set Review Cycle is not approved; per review cycle $700.00 • Revisions, per submission $712.00 4. Rough grading plan (RGP) and filling parcels: • 1st Review Cycle, per division of land or disturbed acre, or fraction thereof, whichever amount is greater $903.00 Not to Exceed $16,671.00 • 2nd Review Cycle Percentage of the 1st Review Cycle Fee 55.00% • Signature Set Review Cycle (Formerly 3rd Submission) $0.00 • Additional review cycles if Signature Set Review Cycle is not approved; per review cycle $900.00 • Revisions, per submission $500.00 5. Conservation plan without a grading plan, per submission $1,208.40 (D) Processing of Studies, Soils Reports and Other Plans: 1. Studies: • Drainage study, per submissions (non-floodplain watersheds) $1,960.80 • Floodplain study º Per submission, per linear foot of baseline or fraction thereof $2.76 º Plus, fee per road crossing and per dam, $610.80 Not to exceed total fee, per submission $11,226.00 • Parking study º Parking tabulation for change in use, per submission $980.40 º Parking redesignation plan, per submission $980.40 º Administrative parking reduction for churches, temples, synagogues and other such places of worship with child care center, nursery school or private school of general or special education, per submission $980.40 º Parking reduction based on the sum of the hourly parking demand or the sum of the hourly parking demand in combination with other factors when the required spaces are: ◊ Under 225 spaces $2,811.60 ◊ 225 to 350 spaces $4,882.80 ◊ 351 to 599 spaces $7,806.00 ◊ 600 spaces or more $16,351.20 º Parking reduction based on proximity to a mass transit station, transportation facility, or bus service or a parking reduction within a Transit Station Area $2,811.60 º Parking reduction based on the unique nature of the proposed use(s) $2,811.60 • Recycling study: When the plan or study is submitted to the County for the sole purpose of placing recycling containers on a commercial or industrial site, as required by the Fairfax County Business Implementation Recycling Plan, per submission. $0.00 • Water Quality Fees* º Resource Protection Area (RPA) Boundary Delineations and Resources Management Area (RMA) Boundary Delineations ◊ Non-bonded lots: existing lots and acreage, rough grading and filling parcels, and parcels with lots of 5 acres or more not within a subdivision or site plan development currently bonded with the County; and minor site plans; per submission $418.80 ◊ Bonded lots: lots in conjunction with multiple construction within a subdivision currently bonded with the County, per submission: - Projects with 150 linear feet or less of baseline $418.80 - Project with greater than 150 linear feet of baseline $418.80 · Plus, fee per linear foot of baseline or fraction thereof, in excess of 150 linear feet $0.96 º Water Quality Impact Assessments (WQIA) ◊ Non-bonded lots: existing lots and acreage, rough grading and filling parcels, and parcels with lots of 5 acres or more not within a subdivision or site plan development currently bonded with the County; and minor site plans; per submission $432.00 ◊ Bonded lots: lots in conjunction with multiple construction within a subdivision or site plan currently bonded with the County, per submission $1,652.40 * In the event that a RPA and RMA Boundary Delineation and a WQIA are submitted simultaneously, only one fee shall be required and such fee shall be the higher of the fees required for the individual studies. 2. Soils Reports: • Commercial and multi-family development, bonded residential lots: lots in conjunction with multiple construction in a newly bonded subdivision development, site plan or site plan for public improvements only º 1st submission $3,422.40 º Resubmission and revisions, per submission $1,122.00 • Non-bonded residential lots: existing lots and acreage, rough grading and filling parcels, and parcels with lots of 5 acres or more, not within a subdivision or site plan development currently bonded with the County; and minor site plans; per submission º 1st submission $2,200.80 Not to exceed $4,386.00 º Resubmissions and revisions, per submission $1,122.00 3. Other Plans: • As-built plans º Sanitary Sewer, per submission $634.80 º Site and subdivision, per submission $432.00 • Debris landfill design plan º Base fee, per submission $1,344.00 º Plus, per acres $88.80 • Debris landfill permit, semi-annual, each permit $2,935.20 • Environmental Site Assessment: º 1st submission $3,181.20 º Resubmissions and revisions, per submission $1,122.00 • Photometric or Sports Illumination Plan, fee per submission when such plan is not submitted as part of a required site plan submission $882.00 • Tree removal permit, each permit $222.00 (E) Miscellaneous fees: • Lot Validation Application $444.00 • Landscape Deferral Application $108.00 B. BONDING AND AGREEMENT FEES The following fees shall be paid upon submission to the County of agreement packages. (A) Agreement Package Processing Fee, per agreement package: • Security value exceeding $10,000 $2,460.00 • Security value of $10,000 or less $339.60 (B) Agreement Extensions, Replacements and Reductions: • Agreement extensions $986.40 • Replacement agreement: There shall be no replacement agreement fee if the rating for the corporate surety has fallen to a "B" level according to the A.M. Best Key Rating Guide and the replacement request is submitted to and approved by the Director prior to the expiration date of the agreement $1,756.80 • Agreement security reductions in support of an agreement $1,670.40 • Agreement extension and reduction submitted simultaneously $1,670.40 Also see Part C, Site Inspection Fees, for inspection fee for agreement extensions C. SITE INSPECTION FEES 1. Public Utility Fees: • Storm drainage º Base fee for the first 100 linear feet $1,862.40 º For each additional linear foot or fraction thereof $4.02 • Stormwater management ponds º Embankment less than or equal to 6 feet high $1,856.40 º Embankment greater than 6 feet high $3,699.60 • Dedicated streets º For the first 350 square yards $2,601.60 º For each additional square yard or fraction thereof $3.04 • Private streets º For the first 350 square yards $2,110.80 º For each additional square yard or fraction thereof $2.46 º Other paved area, per square yard or fraction thereof $1.92 º Driveway entrances, for each entrance $194.40 º Pedestrian walkways/trails ◊ For the first 50 square yards $446.40 ◊ For each additional square yard or fraction thereof $4.00 • Sanitary sewer systems º Base fee for the first 100 linear feet of main $2,594.40 º For each additional linear foot or fraction thereof $8.40 2. Other Bonded and Proffered Work: Fee is based on a percentage of the bonded amount • Cast in place culverts º Percentage of bonded amount up to $50,000 17.90% ◊ Plus, percentage of the bonded amount greater than $50,000 but less than or equal to $200,000 8.80% ◊ Plus, percentage of bonded amount greater than $200,000 3.70% º All other work ◊ Percentage of bonded amount up to $50,000 17.90% ◊ Plus, percentage of bonded amount greater than $50,000 3.70% 3. Inspection Fee for Agreement Extensions: per disturbed acre*, per agreement month. A one-time fifty percent reduction of the extension inspection fee may be permitted $46.26 4. Inspection following a stop work order: each, payable at next bonding action $740.40 5. Inspection following a violation: each inspection, payable at next bonding action $369.60 D. FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION (FIRE MARSHAL) FEES The following Fire Prevention Division fees shall be paid for the review and inspection of the following plans and plats. Plan review fees are due upon submission to the County of such plans and plats except that fees for plans submitted directly to the Fire Prevention Division shall be due upon completion of the plan review process or within 120 days of plan submission, whichever comes first. Inspection fees are due upon completion of the inspection. Site plans
Site plan revisions
Site plan extensions
Rough grading plans
As-built site and subdivision plans
PlatsSubdivision plans
Site plans for public improvements only
Revisions and reapprovals to subdivision plans and site plans for public improvements only(A) Plan Review fees: Fees are based on an hourly charge calculated on the quarter hour or part thereof, per reviewer Per Hour $156.00 (B) Testing and Inspection Fees: Fees are based on an hourly charge calculated on the quarter hour or part thereof, per inspector Per Hour $156.00 E. SITE PERMIT FEES Before a permit is issued for any work or construction on any land dedicated or proposed for dedication to public use, the following fees shall be paid to the County. A separate utility permit is required for each of the following types of surface work, overhead installations or underground installations: (A) Surface work: • Private entrances by homeowner $369.60 • Private property being developed for sale by subdivision (i.e. land developer) >$369.60 • Drainage structures $369.60 • Steps, sidewalks, curb and gutter, etc. $369.60 (B) Overhead installations: • Crossings $369.60 • Poles $369.60 • Guys and anchors $369.60 • Streetlights $369.60 (C) Underground installations: • Crossings $567.60 • Parallel installations, any length on one permit $567.60 • Emergency permits or permits for repairs of existing facilities $369.60 • Valve boxes $369.60 • Manholes (construction, reconstruction, adjust when on existing line) $369.60 • Test holes $369.60 • Fire hydrants, installed on existing line $369.60 • Service connections $369.60 F. WAIVER, EXCEPTION, MODIFICATION AND EXEMPTION FEES Fees in accordance with the table below shall be paid to the County upon submission of any request for a waiver, exception, and modification of the County Ordinances, including but not limited to the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Ordinance (Chapter 118), the Subdivision Ordinance (Chapter 101), the Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 112), Stormwater Management Ordinance (Chapter 124), and the Public Facilities Manual (PFM). The fee assessed shall be based on the Ordinance requirement and the type of plan submitted pursuant to Chapter 101, 112 or 104 of the Code. Resource Protection Area (RPA) Applications County Ordinance 1. Chapter 118-5-1(a): Exemption Pursuant to Chapter 101 No fee Pursuant to Chapter 104 No fee Pursuant to Chapter 112 No fee 2. Chapter 118-5-1 (b): Exemption
Reconstruction of structures destroyed/damaged by casualty, if such reconstruction is otherwise permitted by law and as long as the structure is reconstructed in the same location and creates no more impervious area than existed with the prior structurePursuant to Chapter 101 No fee Pursuant to Chapter 104 No fee Pursuant to Chapter 112 No fee 3. Chapter 118-5-2: Exemption for public utilities Pursuant to Chapter 101 No fee Pursuant to Chapter 104 No fee Pursuant to Chapter 112 No fee 4. Chapter 118-5-3(a): Exemption
Water wells, site amenities for passive recreation, historic preservation, and archeological activities located within an RPA.Pursuant to Chapter 101 No fee Pursuant to Chapter 104 No fee Pursuant to Chapter 112 No fee 5. Chapter 118-5-3(b): Exemption for less than 2500 sf. disturbance in RMA Pursuant to Chapter 101 No fee Pursuant to Chapter 104 No fee Pursuant to Chapter 112 No fee 6. Chapter 118-5-3(c): Exemption Pursuant to Chapter 101 No fee Pursuant to Chapter 104 No fee Pursuant to Chapter 112 No fee 7. Chapter 118-5-4(a): Waiver
Loss of buildable area in RPA for lots recorded prior to 10/01/89 with no encroachment into the seaward 50 feet of the RPA buffer areaPursuant to Chapter 101 Pursuant to Chapter 104 $204.00 Pursuant to Chapter 112 $876.00 8. Chapter 118-5-4(b): Waiver
Loss of buildable area in RPA for lots recorded between 10/01/89 and 11/18/03 for houses located within the RPA, with no encroachment into the seaward 50 feet of the RPA buffer area.Pursuant to Chapter 101 Pursuant to Chapter 104 $204.00 Pursuant to Chapter 112 $876.00 9. Chapter 118-5-5(a): Exception
Waiver of the performance criteria for minor additions to principal structures established as of 7/01/93. No accessory structures or uses.Pursuant to Chapter 101 Pursuant to Chapter 104 $204.00 Pursuant to Chapter 112 $876.00 10. Chapter 118-5-5(b): Exception
Waiver of the performance criteria for minor additions to principal structures established between 7/01/93 and 11/18/03 and located within the RPA. No accessory structures or usesPursuant to Chapter 101 Pursuant to Chapter 104 $204.00 Pursuant to Chapter 112 $876.00 11. Chapter 118-6-7: Exception
Loss of buildable area in RPA for lots recorded prior to 1/18/03 that does not meet the requirements of 118-5-4. A Public Hearing is required, (see note 4)Pursuant to Chapter 101 Pursuant to Chapter 104 $204.00 Pursuant to Chapter 112 $876.00 12. Chapter 118-6-8: Exception
Construction of accessory structures and uses to principal structures that were established as of 7/1/93 and do not result in the creation of 1,000 sq. ft. of additional impervious area within RPA. or that exceeds 2 percent of the lot area up to maximum 2,500 sq. ft., whichever is greater. A Public Hearing is required, (see note 4)Pursuant to Chapter 101 Pursuant to Chapter 104 $204.00 Pursuant to Chapter 112 $876.00 13. Chapter 118-6-9: General Exception General exception for construction in an RPA
A Public Hearing is required, (see note 4)Pursuant to Chapter 101 $876.00 Pursuant to Chapter 104 $204.00 Pursuant to Chapter 112 $876.00 Best Management Practices (BMP)
Stormwater Management (SWM) Applications
(see note 5)
County Ordinance 1. PFM 6-0402.4: SWM/BMP Modification:
to use an innovative water quality or detention facilityPursuant to Chapter 101 No fee Pursuant to Chapter 104 No fee Pursuant to Chapter 112 No fee 2. Chapter 124-6-1, Chapter 118-3-2(e):
Water Quality Exception for site and subdivision plansPursuant to Chapter 101 $876.00 Pursuant to Chapter 104 Pursuant to Chapter 112 $876.00 3. Chapter 124-6-1, Chapter 112-7-808(1),PFM 6-0401.2:
Water Quality Exception for sites located in the Water Supply Overlay DistrictPursuant to Chapter 101 $876.00 Pursuant to Chapter 104 Pursuant to Chapter 112 $876.00 4. PFM 6-0301.2 General Water Quantity Exception Pursuant to Chapter 101 $876.00 Pursuant to Chapter 104 Pursuant to Chapter 112 $876.00 5. PFM 6-0303.6 SWM Modification to construct an underground detention facility with non-standard materials. Pursuant to Chapter 101 $876.00 Pursuant to Chapter 104 Pursuant to Chapter 112 $876.00 6. PFM 6-1603.4: SWM Waiver
of the dam breach analysis for dams <70 acres, <15 feet high and <25 acre-feet of storage.Pursuant to Chapter 101 $876.00 Pursuant to Chapter 104 Pursuant to Chapter 112 $876.00 7. PFM 6-1600: SWM Waiver of the dam standards. Pursuant to Chapter 101 $876.00 Pursuant to Chapter 104 Pursuant to Chapter 112 $876.00 8. Chapter 124-6-1. Chapter 118-3-2(e). PFM 6-0401.3: Water Quality Exception for a single lot grading plan Pursuant to Chapter 101 Pursuant to Chapter 104 $204.00 Pursuant to Chapter 112 9. Chapter 101-2-2(12), PFM 6-0303.7: SWM Modification to locate a detention facility on an individual residential lot. Pursuant to Chapter 101 $876.00 Pursuant to Chapter 104 Pursuant to Chapter 112 General Applications
County Ordinance1. General Waiver:
Except as noted otherwise in this section, the fee associated with a request for a waiver, exception, o modification of the requirements of the County's Ordinances, including but not limited to the Subdivision Ordinance, Zoning Ordinance, the Stormwater Management Ordinance, and the Public Facilities Manual.$876.00 2. Chapter 101-2-2: Public Street Frontage Waiver
Fee for a waiver of the public street frontage requirement. A Public Hearing is required (see note 4)$2,460.00 3. Minor Adjustment of Property Lines: Fee for a waiver associated with the minor adjustment of property lines $312.00 Notes: 1. CBPO waivers and exception requests submitted under §§ 118-5 and 118-6 require submission of a concurrent Water Quality Impact Assessment (WQIA) and application fee 2. Water quality fees are not required for plans and permits reviewed under Chapter 104 for which fees have been paid in connection with the review and approval of WQIA's, RPA Boundary Delineations, RMA Boundary Delineations, and CBPO exceptions filed under Chapters 101 and 112 of the Code. 3. In no instance shall the total fee for all waivers, exceptions and modifications associated with a subdivision, site plan or minor site plan exceed: $3,504.00 CBPO waivers and exceptions associated with grading plans shall not exceed: $876.00 4. An additional fee shall be paid with the submission of an exception request when a public hearing is required under Article 6 of Chapter 118 of the Code, in the amount of: $438.00 5. A single fee shall be paid when combined stormwater and BMP waivers are submitted simultaneously, in the amount of: $1,030.00 6. The cumulative fee for any modifications or waivers requested for the portion of a development in which affordable dwelling units are located, and which relate to typical street sections, sidewalks, and/or curb and gutter, shall not exceed: $876.00 Case Review of Fees: In the event that, prior to plan approval for review fees or prior to bond release for inspection fees, the payor disputes the fee charged, he may request in writing to the Director a case review of costs incurred by the County. In the case where the review reveals that the fees paid exceed 100% of costs, then a refund of the difference shall be made. If the case review reveals that 100% of the costs incurred by the County exceed the fees paid, then the developer shall pay the difference to the County prior to plan approval for review fees, or prior to bond release for inspection G. PERMITS FOR DISCHARGES OF STORMWATER FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY FEES The following fees shall be paid for permits for Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act land-disturbing activities, General Permits for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities, modification or transfer of coverage under a permit, and permit maintenance. (A) General/Stormwater Management - Base Fee The state's portion of the fees for initial coverage under the General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities shall be paid directly to the state in accordance with §124-3-3. 1. Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act Land-Disturbing Activity (not subject to General Permit coverage; Sites with land-disturbance acreage equal to or greater than 2,500 square feet and less than 1 acre). Fee not required for land-disturbing activities exempt from the Stormwater Management Ordinance under § 124-1-7. $308.00 2. All land disturbing activities requiring General Permit coverage for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities. $308.00 (B) General/Stormwater Management - Modifications Fees for the modification or transfer of registration statements for the General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities. If the permit modifications result in changes to stormwater management plans that require additional review by the County, such reviews shall be subject to the fees set out in this part. The fee assessed shall be based on the total disturbed acreage of the site. In addition to the permit modification fee paid to the County, modifications resulting in an increase in total disturbed acreage shall pay to the state the difference in the initial permit fee paid and the permit fee that would have applied for the total disturbed acreage. 1. Small Construction Activity/Land Clearing (Areas within common plans of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage less than one acre) $0.00 2. Small Construction Activity/Land Clearing (Sites or areas within common plans of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage equal to or greater than one acre and less than five acres for construction of single-family detached residential structures) $0.00 3. Small Construction Activity/Land Clearing (Sites or areas within common plans of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage equal to or greater than one acre and less than five acres except for construction of single-family detached residential structures) $200.00 4. Large Construction Activity/Land Clearing (Sites or areas within common plans of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage equal to or greater than five acres and less than 10 acres) $250.00 5. Large Construction Activity/Land Clearing (Sites or areas within common plans of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage equal to or greater than 10 acres and less than 50 acres) $300.00 6. Large Construction Activity/Land Clearing (Sites or areas within common plans of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage equal to or greater than 50 acres and less than 100 acres) $450.00 7. Large Construction Activity/Land Clearing (Sites or areas within common plans of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage equal to or greater than 100 acres) $700.00 (C) General/Stormwater Management - Permit Maintenance Fees for annual permit maintenance including expired state permits that have been administratively continued. With respect to the General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities, these fees shall apply until the state permit coverage is terminated. Fees for annual permit maintenance will be collected on a schedule consistent with the bond acceptance, approval, extension, reduction, and release process for bonded projects and as part of the process for acceptance and release of conservation deposits for non-bonded projects. 1. Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act Land-Disturbing Activity (not subject to General Permit coverage; Sites with land-disturbance acreage equal to or greater than 2,500 square feet and less than 1 acre. $0.00 2. Small Construction Activity/Land Clearing (Areas within common plans of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage less than one acre) $0.00 3. Small Construction Activity/Land Clearing (Sites or areas within common plans of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage equal to or greater than one acre and less than five acres for construction of single-family detached residential structures) $0.00 4. Small Construction Activity/Land Clearing (Sites or areas within common plans of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage equal to or greater than one acre and less than five acres except for construction of single-family detached residential structures) $400.00 5. Large Construction Activity/Land Clearing (Sites or areas within common plans of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage equal to or greater than five acres and less than 10 acres) $500.00 6. Large Construction Activity/Land Clearing (Sites or areas within common plans of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage equal to or greater than 10 acres and less than 50 acres) $650.00 7. Large Construction Activity/Land Clearing (Sites or areas within common plans of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage equal to or greater than 50 acres and less than 100 acres) $900.00 8. Large Construction Activity/Land Clearing (Sites or areas within common plans of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage equal to or greater than 100 acres) $1,400.00 III. MISCELLANEOUS FEES
The following fees must be paid to the County incidental to the Building and Site Development Fees identified in Parts I and II above. Fees must be paid in conjunction with the submission of the related plan, permit or application for processing.
• Digitization Fee per square foot of paper plan for each paper submission for an ePlan designated plan type $0.75 • Technology Surcharge Percentage of each transaction 4.00% • Sheet substitution (insert): fee paid before plan approval of any insert sheet to a study, report, plan, or waiver. $108.00 (09-14-Q; 45-14-Q; 08-15-Q; 09-18-Q; 17-18-Q; 12-19-Q.)
(09-14-Q; 45-14-Q; 08-15-Q; 09-18-Q; 17-18-Q; 12-19-Q.)